Virgo personality traits Virgo personality - The Virgo Zodiac Sign is ruled by Mercury. Your Sun Zodiac sign may not best describe your personality features, your characteristics and general qualities that you bring to life. For many people, their Ascendant or its planetary ruler is the more obvious characteristic, or sometimes the Moon sign. Your Sun sign, rather, says more about the direction you should be moving in, to make the contribution to humanity you were born to make, and thus achieve a degree of personal fulfilment. Every sign rules a part of the body, Virgo the intestines. This provides a vital clue as to the function of Virgo within the whole of humanity. Think of what the intestines do. They take in energy in the form of food, and break it down into its constituent parts. Then they analyse the components and see how they can be made to be useful. Perhaps some will be combined with others, some will be stored for later use, and some will be eliminated as being useless. Virgo takes in substance and discriminates between what is useful and what isn't, and works with it so that it may be more useful still, and thus be of service to humanity. That is the key to it all - service. |
Traits of a Virgo:
Sep 18, 2008
Virgo personality traits
Some famous Virgos
Some famous Virgo personality born under the sign of Virgo...
Queen Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I, queen of England from 1558 to 1603, a famous Virgo woman, is famous for the glamour of her court, the success of her policies, and her long-preserved virginity. She was born on September 7, 1533, the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Henry, who had just had his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, annulled and married Anne in the hope of begetting a male heir, was initially disappointed at Elizabeth's birth. He soon convinced himself, however, that Anne would eventually produce a son. When she failed to do so and when suspicion of infidelity was cast upon her, she was executed in 1536. Elizabeth thus grew up without a mother's care, although Henry's last wife, Catherine Parr, was for a time an affectionate stepmother.
Michael Jackson
The most phenomenal popular music success since Elvis Presley and the Beatles, singer-dancer Michael Joe Jackson, a famous Virgo man, born in Gary, Indiana, USA, on August 29, 1958, is primarily a brilliant entertainer. Born to a musical family, he and his brothers formed the Jackson Five in the early 1960s and, beginning in 1968, gained fame through their Motown recordings and their television appearances. Young, talented, sexy, and cute, the group made a remarkable series of hits with Michael as the boy soprano. By the mid-1970s, however, the group had grown up, and their appeal seemed on the wane. In 1978, Michael produced his new persona. He was no longer a child, but now a child-man--delicate, frail, with a tremulous, often girlish voice; yet, he was a powerful performer. His solo album Off the Wall (1978) catapulted him back into fame. Thriller (1982), boosted by Jackson's videos, broke sales records worldwide. Bad (1987) and Dangerous (1992) were not as hugely successful, but were big sellers.
Mother Theresa
Internationally respected for her work to relieve the sufferings of the poor and dying, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a famous Virgo woman, born on August 27, 1910, was awarded the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. An Albanian originally named Agnes Gonxha Bejaxhiu, she entered the order of the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto at the age of 18. She taught in the order's school in Calcutta until 1946, when she experienced what she described as a "call within a call" to aid the desperately poor of India in a way that required she leave her convent. She received permission from Rome to do this and began her work by bringing dying persons from the streets into a home where they could die in peace and dignity. She also established an orphanage. Gradually other women joined her, and in 1950, she received official approval for a congregation of sisters, the Missionaries of Charity, whose members are dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor. The community at present includes about 3,000 sisters of various nationalities who work on five continents. In April 1990, she sent a letter of resignation to Pope John Paul II, saying that her health no longer allowed her to continue. She had had a heart attack in September 1989, and was no longer able to visit the order's homes, located in 87 countries.
Virgo gemstone: Sapphire
Virgo gemstone:
For countless centuries, the sapphire has been associated with divine favour. The Buddhists believed this stone favoured devotion and spiritual enlightenment, while the Ancient Greeks linked the sapphire...particularly the white Apollo and often wore it as an aid to prophecy when consulting oracles. In past times, this gem was considered a valuable aid toward development of the 'third eye,' and thought to guard its owner from being captured by enemies. It was frequently worn and used during rituals as a strengthening agent in the ability to tap and send forth power. Egyptians associated the clear sapphire with the Eye of Horus and this particular variety is credited with being a guardian of love.
The Persians believed that the blue of the sky was the reflection of a great sapphire upon which rested the Earth. Thus, it is often said to represent the tranquillity of the heavens and some historians have noted that the Law given to Moses on the Mount was engraved upon tablets of sapphire. It is also the stone used in the Cardinal's ring to denote his badge of office within the Catholic religion. In addition, this gem was once believed lethal to venomous insects and reptiles, as well as being regarded in terms of gender...dark stones being female and light stones being male.
In Medieval times, priests and monks would wear sapphire jewellery in the belief that the stone possessed the power to quell wicked impulses and impure thoughts, in addition to banishing envy and promoting chastity in virgins. Many monarchs throughout history have worn sapphires around their necks as a powerful defence from harm.
It is worth noting that a sapphire and a ruby are made of the same material, differing only in color.
Sep 16, 2008
Virgo's Moon: Virgo Solar Festival at the Full Moon in Pisces 2008

Malvin Artley, our regular esoteric commentator examines the subtle meaning of the Full Moon in Pisces for 2008. This is Virgo's Full Moon, as the Moon is full in the sign opposing the Sun. The full moon of Virgo (the full moon at Pisces 22º54') takes place on the 15th of September at 09:14 UT (04:14 AM EST in the US; 07:14 PM AEST in Australia). This is a brief version of the commentary. The full version will be published as soon as it becomes available.
Hi Folks!
This is not my usual posting. Recent events have conspired against getting a full commentary out on time, one of the main things being that I have a couple of works to finish off for the center with which I am involved. The main part of the Virgo article (the meaning behind Virgo) will have to wait another week or so while I finish the other works. There are other things in the air at the moment, too – one of the biggest being a little event called "Ike", and another being the US campaign, both of which need a closer look. So, I will be writing a bit about in the election when I send the proper Virgo info. I will give a few little titbits about Ike in a moment. The symbolism around that storm is actually quite something. As for the election, I was speaking with one of my brothers this morning, and he made a comment about the VP candidate, Sarah Palin, making a link with Michael Palin of Monty Python fame – not that there is even the barest similarity between the two people. I won't go into what he said (He's not a fan.), but my response to his comment was something to the effect that I hoped we didn't end up with a circus or comedy of errors in the elections and afterwards, although I bet the ex-members of Python & Co. would have a field day with it all. Always look on the bright side of life. You think?
A few words about Ike are in order. If you remember, the US had a great WWII general in Dwight D. Eisenhower, who went on to eventually become president. I was recently forwarded a piece by Michael Moore regarding the coming elections (this was just after Palin's – that's Sarah, not Michael – nomination), in which he made a reference to Hurricane Ike and the symbolism that might connect with Ike Eisenhower's farewell presidential speech – the famous one about the military-industrial complex. If you want to see the piece, here is the link: . It might actually be good to go back and read a transcript of Eisenhower's speech, too. The link for that is: . Read, especially, sections III-VI. It was a brilliant speech, and one with a message of stern warning. I won't give anything away about it, precisely because it would be very helpful and a good reminder to revisit those words. So, what happened with Hurricane Ike?
Hurricane Ike made landfall at Galveston, Texas at 2:10 AM CDT on September 13th. It is interesting, you know – there were two 'Ikes' that made landfall – one on the beaches of Normandy a while back and the other at Galveston yesterday. To begin with, Eisenhower was born in Denison, Texas on 14 Oct 1890 (I don't have the birth time). From this point on, things begin to get a little too 'coincidental'. Now, I don't believe in coincidence. We live in a reality that is replete with symbolism, and very little happens 'by accident'. Here is a bit of a thought about the two 'Ikes'. At the time Ike was first named as a tropical depression (1 Sep 08), Saturn was very close to the degree of Saturn at the time of Eisenhower's birth (12 Vir 40). Saturn was approaching the return to Eisenhower's natal Saturn. Ike was upgraded to hurricane status on 3 Sep 08. Saturn was at 11 Vir 55 then. When Ike swiped past Haiti on the 6th and 7th of this month, Ike's power was at one of its peaks, and Saturn was almost exact on Eisenhower's Saturn. On the date of the exact conjunction (9 Sept), Ike was pummeling Cuba. In 1959, Castro lead the military coup in Cuba that ousted Battista – during Eisenhower's administration. The reason I am looking at Saturn here? Saturn is about history, karma, mental constructs, and bringing home what is due. History (or karma, at least) repeats itself under Saturn's influence. There is a clear Saturn link/synchronicity between Hurricane Ike and Eisenhower. There is symbolism playing out here, and scores to be settled, if one can imagine it. After only six months of Castro being in power, Eisenhower & Co. were plotting Castro's ouster. The Eisenhower administration was obviously not successful, but Hurricane Ike certainly left a huge mess in Cuba. Payback? It is a stretch, but it is a bit if fun or of interest to play with the thought.
In terms of the chart for landfall in the US, there is some interesting symbolism, especially from the Chinese astrology. I about fell out my chair when I saw the Indicator for the Day in that chart: "Discard. This is a day for spring cleaning." Well, Galveston certainly got a wash. The Day Animal is even better: "Badger. This is a good day for fulfilling commitments and paying debts. This is a bad day for marriages and travel by boat." Do you think so? The tetragram reading on that day is a bit cryptic (Well, it's supposed to be.): "Accumulation at the center creates the future offspring." Let's wait and see what this brings about in the American psyche – in other words, what ripens from it. We should note that 'landfall' for a hurricane is when the eye (center) of the storm reaches the shore. Ike knocked out power to the oil refineries in the area. Bush's home state is Texas. Eisenhower was a Republican (Nixon was his VP). Palin was nominated for VP just before Ike consolidated (and just before the time Gustav came ashore at New Orleans – app. 8:30 am, 1 sep 08, disrupting the Republican convention temporarily). Now, I said in the Chinese New Year letter that this year would be one of major change, and we are getting just that with the White House race, at least in some ways. It is also a year of innovation. The Hour Pillar in the Chinese chart for landfall was the same as the Year Pillar – a double emphasis of Earth Rat. There will either be a black man in the oval office, or a woman "a heartbeat away" from it. However, Ike Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex, as well as reminding us about many other things. The question about all this symbolism and synchronicity is whether Ike, the storm, was a warning/omen to the Republicans to clean up their act, or was it a symbol of things to come, in that we might see a further disruption of oil resources (the fuel driving the military-industrial complex and the world economy) or big power putting a wrench in the American way of life. Let's face it. Ike was one big storm (600 miles/840 km across), as was the allied landing at Normandy, over which Eisenhower was supreme commander.
In terms of the Western astrology, when Ike made landfall at Galveston, the Moon and Neptune were conjunct (the two 'ocean planets'), and the Moon was at the 27th degree of Aquarius (the Moon is the ruler of the event Ascendant), the symbol for which is:
"A garage man testing a car's battery with a hydrometer."
A hydrometer. Are you kidding me? (A hydrometer is a type of float used to test the density of a fluid.) Perhaps the emotional density of the nation is being put to a sort of test with Ike. The degree for Saturn is interesting as well:
"An aristocratic family tree."
What is the one family most people equate with Texas at the moment? Well, two of their number took the country to war on two separate occasions. The degree of the Ascendant (18 Cancer) reads:
"A hen scratching the ground to find nourishment for her progeny."
I had a few chooks once. They are great recyclers and live quite well on the land, but the inference here is that we may have to scratch around in order to find what we need for a while because of this storm, which will be especially true if gas prices go up because of it. The US is headed toward winter, too. The last thing we need is even higher heating oil prices. I don't know. Call me crazy if you like, but events like Ike are usually heavily loaded with symbolism, and to hit where it did, to be a big as it was, and to have the same name as the man who warned us about the military-industrial complex is just a bit too much to ignore. The present administration is heavily tied up with that military-complex. Do we want four more years of it? There is a lot more I could say, but I will leave Ike at that.
As far as the solar festival goes, the full moon takes place at 7:13 PM AEDT on 15 Sep 2008 (8:13 AM UT). The symbol for the solar degree reads:
"A lion tamer displays his skill and daring." – 23 Virgo
The symbol for the lunar degree reads:
"A materializing medium giving a séance." – 23 Pisces
I will keep this very brief, but on the whole, a great amount of good work can come from this full moon. The Sun is in a wide conjunction with Saturn, which is in a close trine to Jupiter (which has just turned direct). The Moon is conjunct Uranus (great independence of spirit, but aloofness emotionally). Overall, it is a fairly cool presentation, aside from the fact that there is a triple conjunction of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, all three of which are linked to Uranus via a quincunx. I would expect to see love affairs with that latter configuration, or some sudden changes of heart, especially since the three conjunct planets are in Libra. It is actually quite an electric combination. The overall message here is to display daring and skill in action (Virgo), not to let emotional vicissitudes get in the way of what needs to be done, be open to many possibilities within relationships or to new relationships – or to be prepared to walk away from them if need be. More than anything else, Virgo is about living and displaying one's essence (true inner nature) purely and effectively. We will speak more of that in the Virgo proper letter. For now, the above paragraphs give us a bit to chew on in the interim. Enjoy the full moon. It is a beauty. And, if you look toward the western horizon just after sunset, you can see the triple conjunction of Mercury/Venus/Mars. Jupiter is the bright star nearly overhead just after dark. I will be writing to you more anon.
Sep 15, 2008
Virgo - The Virgin August 23rd to September 22nd
Virgo people are usually very gentle and quiet, and love small animals and growing things. Many Virgos love to do detailed things and are talented at crafts like dressmaking. They will work hard to create something which is beautiful and useful at the same time. People born under the sign of Virgo are often happy to be alone, providing they know that they are needed and appreciated by others. In fact, the most important thing to Virgo people is service. They are always ready to help others, and are very sympathetic to their friend's problems. Often they are shy and sensitive, but deep down are generous with their love and their talents.
Virgo is an earth sign, like Taurus and Capricorn. If you are a Virgo, you will know how good you feel when you have been able to help somebody else in some way. Also you will get great pleasure from making something with your own hands. You will probably find that as you grow up the kind of work you do will become very important to you, for you need to feel you are contributing something worthwhile to life. Don't ever feel that noisier, bossier people are better than you, because your special gentleness and quietness is much needed in this world.